logodesignworkslogo分類欣賞(Beauty & Fitness Logos)
2007/1/4 8:46:15
Client: Balance Salon 
Beauty & Fitness 
Inspiration: Ying Yang symbol   
Client: California College 
Health & Fitness 
Inspiration: Streamlined line art figure icon   
Client: Health Tan Technologies 
Beauty & Health Logo 
Inspiration: An illustration of the client's tanning unit set in a tropical background to indicate the benefits of the tan unit   
Client: Synergy Fitness Club 
Fitness Club 
Inspiration: A dynamic fluid illustration of a person doing aerobics with energy circles in the background   
Client: Synergy Massage 
Massage Therapy 
Inspiration: A very stylistic line art of a massage in progress. The cool purple and lavender heighten the sense of peace and tranquility.   
Client: Why Fitness 
Fitness Club 
Inspiration: A stylistic line art of a human figure sculpted with consistent excersise   
Client: Massage Request 
Massage Therapy & Yoga 
Inspiration: A lotus and an icon of a person in meditation portray what the company stands for - peaceful, calmn, relaxing yoga and massage     

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