2012/6/11 9:12:43

Orange Leather Textures With Holes

Leather 1

Brown Leather

Leather Texture

Leather Chair Texture

Leather 002

Leather Texture

Leather Texture 2

Faux Leather

Pretty Leather

Leather Book Cover: University of Mich

Embossed Leather Texture in Beige

Black Leather Texture

Leathery Skin 1

Free antique leather book cover texture for layers

Old Leather Photo Album


Movement textures

Old Leather Textures

Checker Texture

CracksVeinsTooMuch – free to try


Read more: http://www.smashingapps.com/2012/06/08/22-outstanding-free-collection-of-leather-textures.html#ixzz1xRWgtDTU

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